Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Home learning - Jamberry

Jamberry is a very interesting rhyme book. Png Png likes it very much.
Most of the materials we used for this lapbook were taken from http://www.homeschoolshare.com/jamberry.php

Our lapbook cover
Strawberry rhyme.
Types of fruits.

Compound words from Jamberry
Fill in the missing alphabets   
Arrange Jamberry rhyme sequence from http://www.bookitprogram.com/redzone/Read&Do/Fruit/Jamberry.pdf

Math - addition
   Food pyramid

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Goodie bag from NDP

The goodie bag we got from National Day Parade preview

What's inside

My boys' favourite - a ruler cum wrist band

Favourite goodies item from NDP goodie bag

Among the items in the goodie bag from NDP, my boys like these 2 items the most
The wrist band. Png Png used it as a head band. hahaha....

The torch
Performing stunts with the torch

Saturday, July 28, 2012

NDP 2012 preview - Day

Hubby's youngest brother got 8 National Day Parade preview  tickets from his eldest brother.   We joined his youngest brother to attend National Day Preview.   

We met at Marina Square.   


I bought red t shirt with the same print from Giant supermarket for the whole family to wear to the National Day preview.  The smallest size t shirt looks big on Png Png.  This is the first time my boys attend National Day Parade.   I am worried that they will feel bored, especially Png Png.
On the way to the stadium

It was super crowded.  We could not squeeze through the gate to our seats in yellow zone.   We had no choice but  entered the gate to the next zone (green zone) which is further away from the stage.  
My cheeky lazy boy
My brother in law and family.
First time Png Png ate chips which was found in the goodie bag
In the audience seat, we met this guy who is a political artist. He made miniature of political leaders.
 See who was behind his back? Our founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

There was a big screen to telecast the performance on the stage

Arrival of the VIPs.

The parachutist.
Firing the cannon.
Our flag.


Dragon boat.
Performances in the night

Png Png was hungry and excited at the end of the performance. I am very happy that he enjoyed the parade.
It was raining cats and dogs when we were half way through to the car park.. Luckily there was raincoat in the goodie bag. And the best of all, it wasn't raining throughout the entire parade.
My boys proceeded to the playground at Marina Square after the parade. Energizer rabbits