Monday, June 24, 2013

Holiday in Genting - 24 June

Today, we ventured out of  First World Hotel to The Strawberry Farm. We took Genting Skyride to Lower Station.

View of Genting Highland from the skyride.   Chen Chen was scared especially when the skyride was shaking.
After we got out of the lower station, we took the Strawberry Farm buggy to the Strawberry Farm.  It's a cute buggy isn't it?   It costs RM2 per pax  1 way for the buggy ride.

Genting Strawberry Park.   There were 2 huts at the entrance of the Park.
The map of the Park.
My boys were very excited to pick the strawberries.    After all, this was their first experience picking fruits from the plant. 


First time I saw strawberry flower

Some creeper plant and the fruit. 

Lavender Garden.   I bought entrance tickets for Chen Chen, Png Png and I.    However, Png Png refused to go in as the weather was very hot.   It was my fault.   I was worried the weather will be cold and dressed all in long sleeve thick top.

Beautiful lavender.    Though it was not a large lavender field, I was still very happy seeing spread of lavender.

A shop that sells souvenir in the Lavender field.   It has European style look.
Other flowers in the Lavender field.
Unique "flower pot"
Mushroom farm.
Png Png hated it to be there as it was very hot and moist.
Cute strawberry stools and chair at the eating area.
There were sale of vegetables near the exit of the Strawberry Farm.    The farmer asked to buy some vegetables while I was taking pictures of the vegetables.   He accused me of being lazy when I told him I had no means to cook the vegetables.   Can't he tell that I am a tourist?   Argh........
Strawberry souvenirs.
 Good bye Strawberry Farm.
Bought some local snacks and took pictures before taking the skyride back to the hotel.    Boy, the queue for the skyride was very long ......................

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