Friday, February 28, 2014

Home Teaching - Little Toot

Little Toot tells the story of a little tugboat who enjoys playing around, making figure 8 and blowing smoke balls and whistle.    He was looked upon as frivolous and laughed by other tugboats.    He felt ashamed and decided that he wanted to work seriously like other tugboats.  During a big storm, Little Toot saved a big ocean liner which was stuck in the rock.   From then on, he was looked upon as a hero.
Png Png learned the word frivolous and kept using it.   I used this book to teach him as a child grows up, the child needs to take work seriously.

Our lapbook cover.

What is responsibility

Types of boat

The following activities were extracted from

Poem - Who has seen the wind

Parts of tugboat

What does SOS stand for

Places you go when you feel happy, sad


 How do you know when there is wind

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