Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Light Marina Bay 2014

I LIGHT MARINA BAY 2014, Asia's only sustainable light art festival, themed Light+heART was held at Marina Bay Waterfront from 7th to 30th March 2014.   There were 28 innovative and environmentally sustainable light art installations from around the world.   The artists incorporated the use of recyclable materials and adopted energy-efficient lighting to create their stunning light art installations in order to promote an environmentally-responsible behavior for a sustainable future. 

LIGHMARINBA  conducted the "Switch Off, Turn Up" Campaign where stakeholders in and around Marina Bay were invited to switch off non-essential lighting and turn up air conditioning temperatures during the festival period.

We went to Marina Bay Waterfront over 2 weekends to cover as much light art installations as we could. We covered Route A on 22 March and Route B on 29 March.

The light art installations that we covered 

The Wishing! Tree from Singapore.   

Visitors were given stripe of plastic with tiny bulbs on the 2 ends.   Visitors could write wishes on the plastic stripe and hang it on The Wishing Tree.   The amount of wishing plastic stripe to be issued on 22 March were fully issued when were there.    The staff was very sweet to give the wishing plastic stripe to my 2 boys on exception.   

Hubby and boys tossing the wishing stripe onto the wishing tree
Lightscape catcher from China

Happy Croco from France
We Heart Light from United Kingdom

Joujou_ours from Taiwan
Floating hearts from Spain

Insert caption please from Singapore.   

The guardian angels from Greece and France

No Gold buried here - we told the story 此地无银三百两 to the two boys.   My boys were very interested in the story and kept asking questions about this story.

The Pool from USA

Go Fly Kite happened to be at Marina Bay Waterfront.   The beautiful kite attracted a crowd. 

Sit on light balls to take a rest.
A Land of Reverie from Singapore

Celebration of Life from Singapore and Switzerland

A few motorcyclist uncle in brightly lighted motorcycle playing loud Hokkien songs

Digital Wattle from New Zealand.

Cloud from Canada
There were big crowd of visitors queueing up to enter the enclosure to pull the bead string to turn on and off the light bulbs that formed the cloud

3D Tic-Tac-Toe
My boys had fun playing it

Scribbledribblequibble  from Singapore
A fun name and fun play for my boys.   They kept playing till the light art was closed for the day.

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