Tuesday, December 17, 2013


My boys kept requesting us to bring them to Legoland Malaysia.   Thank you to the advertisement on TV. We arranged for a trip to Legoland Malaysia with Chen Chen's friend Xin Ru's family during December school holiday.   Though my colleagues told me it is easy to drive to Legoland Malaysia but my hubby wanted to cater a transport for the first visit.   We catered a 10 seater to and fro Legoland Malaysia.   It was very comfortable for two families since there were eight of us.    Unfortunately, Xin Ru's sister puked in the car.   Surprisingly, there was a long jam at the causeway though it was a Tuesday morning.    After 3 hours drive, we arrived at Legoland Malaysia finally.    

The entrance of Legoland Malaysia.

Legoland  Hotel.   Initially hubby wanted to rent a hotel room in this hotel.    However, we felt that the price is too steep for a stay in Malaysia.   Thus, we decided to give it a miss and did a day trip instead.   

The weather was extremely hot.    Luckily my colleagues warned me that there is not much shade in Legoland Malaysia.   So, I brought an umbrella and wore long pants.

Even the kids could not stand the scorching sun.    Png Png was scratching away due to the heat.

Chen Chen and Xin Ru planned the route.

The first ride - Project X roller coaster.   I gave it a miss and accompanied Png Png to stay behind and wait.

Chen Chen said the roller coaster was not scary but the photo spoke otherwise.
Next, acqua Water Races.    

Png Png was happy about it as this was his first ride for the day after a long wait under the scorching hot sun.
I chickened out from this ride last minute after seeing that the visitors were drenched from this ride and I didn't bring extra clothing.    So, Xin Ru's daddy took the ride solo while hubby rode with Png Png and Xin Ru with Chen Chen.
Knight feast,a playground that brightened up Xin Ru's sister as the poor little girl couldn't take the other rides.

Merlin's challenge.    Boy, I felt the floor rose below me after completing the ride.

Dino Island

Beetle Bounce - this ride looks safe and decent but it was scary when rose to the top.    My eyes were very dry and painful that I closed my eyes most of the time when I took this ride.   Well, it was a blessing in disguise.

Play Town

Kids Power Tower

Png Png loved this ride but hubby said it was tough and tiring to pull the rope in order to rise to the top since he had to pull the rope solo.

Lego - Build and test station.   I simply loved this station.   It is AIR CONDITIONED and it is near Kids Power Tower.   I walked out to take picture after I was cooled down.

The kids were testing if the lego buildings could withstand the simulated earthquake.

We had our lunch break next to this castle.   Png Png took a picture with the dragon voluntarily after he had his lunch.

City Airport

Duplo express

Three monkeys swinging while waiting to take Royal Joust ride.

Rescue academy

Visitors had to pump the rescue vehicle all the way to the building on wire to put out the fire.

Hubby and Xin Ru's daddy worked very hard to pump the car forward.    They picked a faulty vehicle which required a lot of effort yet moved very slowly forward.

The kids put out the fire.

Xin Ru's mom and I had a good laugh seeing our men pump the vehicle.
Png Png driving at the driving school for junior.   He looked forward to this ride from the start but we did it only at the last 2nd ride as it is located near the exit.   Surprisingly, Png Png felt bored and stopped playing half way.  

Chen Chen at the driving school for senior.    There was a very long queue for this ride.  He waited very long in the queue but found that it was nothing fantastic about it.    Guess they were tired.

Boating school
There was a super long queue for this ride.   Xin Ru's daddy started queueing when the boys were queueing at the driving school.    However, the boys still need to queue for fairly long after they completed driving at the driving school.

After a tired day, the kids were thirsty, warm and hungry.

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