Monday, September 29, 2014

Bento for Sep 2014

The food art I made in the month of September

Bird - front and side view

 Weighing scale - Png Png was fascinated that he could turn the pointer on the weighing scale

Crouching Tiger


The Lorax - this is in line with the lapbook we do this month

Lele from Smaland (Ikea)

Truffula tree from The Lorax - another bento in line with the lapbook we do this month

Every storm in life is followed by a rainbow

Woof woof

Monkey eats grapes

The haze was bad.   PSI index reached the danger level for the past few days.   I made this bento hoping it pours.   The sky answered my call, slight rain on the day followed by pour on the following day.   Yipee!!!

First time I tried out this honey soy chicken drumstick recipe.   I also made mashed potato to go with the honey soy chicken drumstick

Grape vine

Two bunny buddies

Cruise in ocean liner

Little cottage

Whose eggs?

Teddy bear, teddy bear

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