Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Home teaching - The Lorax

The lapbook we do for this month was based on The Lorax by Dr Seuss.   

This book touched on the corporate greed poses danger to the nature.   I used this book to teach Png Png about greed and saving the environment.

Png Png drew many truffula trees, some intact, some been chopped down by The Once-ler on the  lapbook cover.

The following activities were extracted from http://www.homeschoolshare.com/lorax.php

What could The Once-ler have done differently

Ways to fight polluction

Needs vs wants

Sort materials for recycling

Label parts of a tree

Polite vs rude

Comprehension from https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiMzC_fN5Bj20NKccS6mrEho76U99-6MWyUBWqPYsWaLpL9csHc-ZGJNQoyCvK7lQY4vzadlsE3krpjm3vV64eREXgzJlAa7rzCp4qVRmsh0iEE41u0LVp-g7taeeDL3CyDtumLgCWOICg/s1600/lorax%20worksheet.png

Word search from https://www.earlymoments.com/dr-seuss/List-of-Dr-Seuss-books1/The-Lorax/ColoringPages-Lorax/

Cause and effect


Applied Math

I borrowed the book Recycling step by step from the library.

We did the activity at the end of the book

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