Sunday, September 14, 2014

Outdoor photo shoot with Orange Studio

I bought outdoor photo shoot session with Orange Studio at $15 from Groupon .  I chose Orange Studio as I read good reviews of them.  I didn't know that there were many add on costs like transport cost for photographer if location is in the East or North East side, surcharge for home or rare location, admission fee.   As I don't want to pay for the add on cost, we chose the one and only location chosen by the photographer.    I was very excited and bought matching tops for the 2 boys and I.   Hubby didn't want the same top we bought, so I chose a top he has of the same navy blue.  My excitement was dampened.   The Groupon package included 1 hour outdoor photo shoot but our photo shoot was less than an hour.   Our session was arranged at 7:30 am at Botanic Garden.    It was a bad choice.    My boys were sleepy  and grumpy especially Png Png.   The photographer was not good at handling kids unlike what I read from the reviews.   The photography style was not what I wanted.   So, I chose 5 edited 5R soft copies as per the package.

After the photo shoot, we visited Jacob Ballas Children's Garden.   It happened that there were girl guides from a few secondary schools doing their special project to earn their PNA points.   The girl guides paired up to conduct tours for visitors to the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden.   One of the girl guides was very outspoken and talked a lot to me.  I enjoyed listening to their introduction about the plants in the garden while my boys enjoyed the mist from the set up in the picture below.   Visitors turn the lever at the side of a box, there will be mist spraying down from the 'tree'.   This made my boys feel cool and merry.   They were irritated by the heat on that hot sunny morning.

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