Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lunar New Year in Batam

We spent our Lunar New Year in Batam again this year as we cannot celebrate Lunar New Year.   According to Chinese tradition, descendants of a deceased are not supposed to celebrate Lunar New Year for a year.   My mother in law left us in the beginning of January.

We spent 4 days 3 nights from 9 to 12 February in Batam.  This year we stayed in Golden View Hotel again.   As compared to last year, the Lunar New Year atmosphere is stronger this year as the hotel provided one fire cracker for each hotel guest to fire the fire cracker.   It was fun but my brother couldn't join us for this trip due to work commitment. 

It was very loud and dusty (dust from fire cracker) at the pool side where all the hotel guests fired the fire cracker.   I brought Png Png to the children play room as he didn't like to be at the pool with the loud noise, dust and spikes from the fire cracker.   To my surprise, this was an even better location to watch the fire cracker.   The side of the play room facing the pool is full height glass.   So we could get a good view of the fire cracker minus the loud noise, away from the crowd and the dust, best of all it was in an air con room.  

On the first day of Lunar New Year morning, there was lion dance performance when we were on the way to the restaurant to take our breakfast.   Png Png and I stayed behind to watch the lion dance performance before we had our breakfast.

On one of the trips, we visited Vietnam refugee camp on Galang Isand in the Riau Isands of Indonesia.   The camp was closed in 1996.   It was raining the whole day that day.   We merely stayed in the tour bus to look the sceneries.   We saw monkeys along the road.   The tour guide bought banana before hand so that the tourists in the bus could feed the monkey.   My boys enjoyed tossing the bananas to the monkies

We also saw beggers along the road.   I took the opportunity to teach my boy that there are poor people in the world who have to beg for food and that my boys should treasure their food and what they enjoy.

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