Monday, April 7, 2014

Life as a stay at home mom

My parents, brother and sister in law went for cruise holiday since 6  April.    I became a full time stay at home mom since I left my job.

Being a stay at home mom is very fulfilling though very busy.   I was always on the move.    I woke up at 5am to clean the house.   Then made bento and prepared breakfast for Png Png.   After he had his breakfast, I sent him to Carpe Diem.    Finally, I had some time to rest and took my breakfast while surfing the net at the same time.    I cooked lunch for Chen Chen before going to school to fetch him. Coaching time followed by dinner preparation.    Then it was time to fetch Png Png home.   Coaching time again after Png Png had his dinner.    This is the overview of my life as a stay at home mom.

The first bento I made for Png Png was this fish bento.   

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