Sunday, August 17, 2014

My ARTinery Art Fair and Art Exhibition - SYT 15th Anniversary Celebration missing 2 pictures wind chime and ocean in a bottle

Nayang Academy of Fine Arts Junior Art Department joined School of Young Talents celebrated its 15th Anniversary.   There were many fun-filled Art Fair with interesting hands-on workshops.

Chen Chen went to his usual class to make wind chime while I did the quiz for him as he took a long time to make the wind chime.   There were art pieces by the students and the questions from the quiz surrounded around those art pieces.   No photography of the art pieces were allowed.    

I only took picture of the art pieces that my boys made.

Wind chime made by Chen Chen

Another art piece that Chen Chen made in the hands-on workshop was CD case maze.

The first workshop Png Png joined was to make Ocean in a bottle.   He was given a plastic bottle to design the bottle and draw sea creatures on a transparent plastic sheet.   
After drawing the sea creatures, he cut the sea creatures and inserted them into the plastic bottle  followed by some accessories into the bottle.   

The teacher in charge filled the bottle with water and capped the bottle.    This is the Ocean in a bottle.

The only workshop that both Chen Chen and Png Png joined together is Mini Garden.   Unfortunately, the teacher didn't allow parent to go into the room.   So, I could only snap picture of them with their end product.

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