Monday, August 11, 2014

Singapore Art Museum

We were at Singapore Art Museum with the intention to visit Art Garden since my boys enjoyed their visits to Art Garden for the past two years.    However, we were there to find out that the Art Garden was closed.    We had to change our plan to visit Singapore Art Museum instead.   My boys were bored over the exhibitions except a butter dance video.   This video and the pictures extracted from the video were the art work of an Indonesian performance artist Melati Suryodarmo.   The title of the video is "Exergie - butter dance".    This video garnered global notoriety for her.   She danced, balanced and slipped on 20 blocks of butter laid out in a square across black dance floor.   Through this video, she expressed the challenge she faced to blend in to the society during her stay in Germany.    My boys found the video funny and love it.

After the butter dance video, we proceeded to sensorium 360 degree - contemporary art and the sensed world 

How do you feel today?   Pen it down on a thin metal piece and hang it on the wall.

These were what Png Png drew - raining and his dearest lovely mummy (ahem)

The Overview Installation by homegrown artist Eugene Soh engages viewers to look at the world through unusual points of view.   Donning one of the sets of modified goggles, the participant's view point is replaced by an image streamed from closed-circuit television.   Hubby and my 2 boys took part in this interactive art work but I didn't as hubby said he felt giddy in the process of going through the path.   I didn't want to spoil the rest of my day.   Surprisingly, my boys completed the "walk" swiftly so much so that I was unable to capture clear picture of them going through the "walk".

Noon-nom by Pinaree Sanpitak - a room of soft, round sculptures that represents female breast.   It symbolize reconnecting human relationship like baby nursing on mother's breast.   Visitors can touch and be touched by the art.  My boys had great fun jumping and lazing on the art.

In the sensoroom, there were activity stations like touching station where visitors use touch to feel what is the item in the enclosed box

Explore the senses of human body.   There were books at the other end of the corner for visitors to relax and read.
Continuum of Consciousness by Linda Solay, an art work comprises of crystal glasses set within a darkened chamber, the meditative and multi-sensory installation of continuum of consciousness draws upon the senses of light, sound and smell.   Chen Chen enjoyed smelling the liquid from different crystal glasses.  He even kept the paper stripe that was dripped with a drop of the liquid.

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