Friday, November 30, 2012

Family day 2012

Hubby's company's family day for this year was to Gardens by the Bay.   We had buffet lunch at Marina Bay Sands.  There was very wide spread of buffet but not much time to eat as all of us got there late.  My boys posed outside the restaurant before proceeding to Gardens by the Bay.

Beautiful sculptures seen along the way.
This sculpture looks like a sheep.
We crossed the bridge over the Bayfront Avenue.

Group photo with Supertree Grove as the background.
Before we entered the Gardens ...
Flower dome

Beautiful flowers all around .....

The cold environment at Cloud Forest gives the feel of highlands.   There are orchid, pitcher plants, and ferns from the cool-moist Tropical Montane region.
The 35-metre man-made mountain and waterfall.

The walkway in the Cloud Forest.    Are you scared of height?

There was display of Stalagmite.   I was very surprised Png Png remembers that this is Stalagmite, not Stalactite.   I thought him Stalagmite and Stalactite in one of the lapbook we did.  I am in cloud nine that he remembers this.
There were 5 big interactive walls with scenic view of forest.  Visitors can play the interactive game of chopping down the forest with bare hands, or replace the forest with urban build-ups.   The purpose of this interactive game is to let visitors learn that their actions of removing the forest can adversely impact other living things on earth.   My boys love to play the games but they may not understand the message behind it.   I explained to them.   Hopefully they understand.

My boys were tired at the end of the day.   They rode on the elephant and lion statue at the exit of the Gardens.

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