Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Maritime museum

My colleague Andriani gave me tickets to Maritime museum.   I almost gave them away in the Recycle forum as I thought I won't be able to make it before the expiry date on the tickets.  Luckily we made it today.

Big sail boat at the entrance

There were exhibits of cultures from different countries. 
Wayang puppets

A big top

There was a touch screen Malacca trading game.  Needless to say, it attracted  my boys' attention, especially Chen Chen's.

It caught me by surprise that what caught Chen Chen's attention most at the end of the day was the kiosk that allows visitors to "make" porcelain vases.

And, he really made very beautiful vases which won may votes auto generated by the kiosk!   I never discover his artistic talent till I saw these.

Png Png was not tall enough to reach the kiosk.   He walked around.   I managed to snap a picture of him and hubby in front of the porcelain making kiosk.  

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