Friday, November 9, 2012

Graduation concert 2012 - Dance around the world

The graduation concert this year was held in NAFA Lee foundation theatre in the late afternoon.   Both hubby and I applied leave to attend the concert.

Art and crafts by the children and teachers of Carpe Diem displayed at the foyer.

The backdrop - the graduation concert for children borned in the year 2006

Backdrop changed to scenery of  Austria

Png Png performed in Austria Landler.

Png Png and his classmates were the narrator to introduce the next dance.

Germany Polka

Violin duet by Chen Chen's ex classmate in Carpe Diem, Sean and Carpe Diem's director Annie's daughter
 Europe Minute

K1's parents were called on stage to dance Oppa gangnam star with their kids.   The parents were caught by surprise, so were the audiences.

Indian dance

New York Hip Hop

Modern dance

South African dance.  

USA Line Dance

At the end of the concert, the teachers and children popped confetti

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