Friday, May 30, 2014

Kueh project exhibition

Carpe Diem opened a kueh house today.    All grandparents, parents, aunt, uncle and siblings were invited.

The children performed some sing and dance shows as the prelude of the open house.

One unit of Carpe Diem exhibited the crafts made by the children with guidance from the teachers. From these exhibitions, I salute to the teachers.    Not only that they need to teach the children academic, take care of the needs of the children, they are full of craft ideas too!

By toddler class

By N1 class

By N2 class

By K1 class

By K2 class

Mind mapping, charts as part of the project.

The crafts contributed by parents.

This was made by Png Png and I.

There were sale of kueh (some made by teachers and the children in the morning, some bought).

Png Png and Tian Yu were appointed to be the cashier.

There was a big crowd around the cashier.
 Png Png scratching his head.   Guess he was lost at counting the money and selling the kueh coupon.
Teacher Esther came to rescue.

Png Png issued kieh coupon instead.

Png Png was very happy that it was his duty was over and became the customer to buy kueh coupon.

Png Png happily eating the kueh he bought.

I discovered a cute coconut craft on the "dinning table".

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