Thursday, May 29, 2014

He is a tween!

My elder prince Chen Chen turns a tweenager today!   It was like yesterday when I had him in my arms.   Back then, we showered him with all our attention since he was the first child in our household. My parents, hubby, myself, my brother and sister in law, 6 adults gave him all the attention.   I spent a lot of time playing with him, reading to him,  teaching him.....  

He lost the total attention he used to get since his younger brother arrived.   No doubt, he exhibits the traits of a big brother and loves his brother very much.   Many a time, he extends his big wings and shelters his brother, especially when he brought his brother to play in the playground or theme park.   

My happy, lovely, easy going, sociable boy.   

We celebrated his birthday in his favorite Sakura buffet restaurant.   His forever love - ice cream

Forgetful me forgot to bake him cake.   The restaurant offered cake for his birthday but for consumption on the spot, not for taking away.   We decided to forgo it since we won't be able to stomach the cake.  My easy going lovely boy made do with a cup cake from the buffet counter.

My boys and hubby had table soccer game after the buffet dinner.

His birthday presents

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