Saturday, August 11, 2012

Goodbye diaper

Finally, there was only 1 piece of diaper left back at home. I told Png Png to kiss his diaper goodbye. He kept saying kiss goodbye to diaper after wearing it for poo. After a while, he went to the kitchen to look for me. I looked at him, his eyes that were going to "rain" and he had umbrella mouth. He began to sob, then cried buckets just because he had to KISS HIS DIAPER GOODBYE!! What an emotional baby. No matter how I coaxed or cajoled him, he continued to wail. In the end, I told him I will give him chocolate chips if he stops crying. That works, well for the moment. He wailed before he slumbered for his nap. My poor baby.

It is cruel, but I have to do it. He is too comfortable for doing his big business only with diaper though he is already 4 year 5 months old.

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