Friday, June 20, 2014

Cycling at Changi Beach Park

Png Png likes to cycle.    He always cycle at the void deck of the flat where we stayed or the park nearby.   I told him I will bring him to the Changi Beach Park to cycle.   Today, I carried out my promise.

We woke up earlier than usual and managed to catch sun rise when we were there.

There were many aeroplanes landing during that time.   We saw an aeroplane landing at almost every 5 minutes.    Most of them were Singapore Airlines.   Hmm...... how I wish I were in one of them....

Png Png cycled and picked coconut happily along the way.

Besides coconut, my 2 boys picked up casuarina fruit and leaves too.   They picked them after I told them when I was young, I pulled and joined casuarina leaves as a game.  They wanted to play my game too.

Closed up of what they picked up

They even decorated the bicycle with what they picked.   

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