Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Ikea Space Camp

Ikea held Space Camp on 13th and 14th June from 10am to 2am with many activities lining up for the kids and special sales for adults.    There were free food given out to customers.    We were there on 14th June mainly for the activities for the boys.    However, most of the activities ended by the time we were there as the boys had swimming lesson till 6 pm.

When we arrived, we were welcomed by the booth for free pop corn and candy floss.    Chen Chen had both pop corn and candy floss while Png Png had candy floss for the first time in his life.  His verdict was yucky though his finished the candy floss.

They managed to join 2 activities and that kept them happy and entertained for the night.

Pin ball

Comet shootout.   Initially Chen Chen played alone as Png Png wanted to play with the toys at the food court.   I had to queue for Chen Chen again and again so that he could join the game sooner after he played the game.

I saw a staff who brought a monster around.   I wanted to take a picture of the monster with Chen Chen but Chen Chen was more interested in the comet shootout.    The staff was very nice to pose for me.
Later, Png Png joined in and he enjoyed the comet shootout though he refused to join in initially.

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